The topic of peaceful atom is continued by articles devoted to vibration monitoring of turbogenerators and efficient resource management of BelNPP (“Nuclear Energy”), issues of packaging low-level radioactive waste from the plant (“Science for Energy”), as well as a review of technologies and prospects for the use of small modular reactors based on IAEA materials (“World Experience”).
By the Decree of the Head of State, 2025–2029 have been declared a five-year period of quality. The topic of quality is raised in a number of information materials (“State and Society”), as well as in an article on the traditions and standards of quality management (“Electric Power Industry”).
Specialists will be interested in the experience of using modern software products in such areas as microcontrol of metal power equipment ("Electric Power Engineering"), accounting of technical documentation of operational dispatch services ("Information Technology"), vocational training of adults using the IT facilitation method ("Personnel Training").
Organizations required to keep records of greenhouse gas emissions will find the article on innovations in this area (“Energy Ecology”), and a wide range of consumers will find the material on violations in the operation of internal gas supply systems in residential buildings (“State Energy and Gas Supervision”) useful.
In the year of the 80th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany, the magazine is launching a new project, "Belarus Remembers". The series of publications opens with material about veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War who worked in industry organizations of Brest region.
The issue concludes with a review of legislative news for January – February (“Standardization and Law”).
More details about the contents of the magazine can be found here