Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
power plant


Administrative and laboratory building (00UYA)

Vornyany village council, 2/7

Ostrovets district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus 231220


NPP Information Center:


Reception: +375 (1591) 4-53-59, fax: +375 (1591) 4-54-00

HR department: +375 (1591) 45-357; +375 (1591) 46-697

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NPP Information Center: +375 1591 46 605

Purchases: +375 (1591) 4-67-19, +375 (1591) 4-67-34

Thursday, 04 June 2020

A radiation monitoring system has been deployed near BelNPP - Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus

Written by Department of information and public relations

On the eve of World Environment Day, which is celebrated annually on June 5, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, Andrei HUDYK, told BelTA in an interview about the preparation of the radiation monitoring service for the launch of Belarusian NPP.

The head of the ministry noted that several nuclear power plants are located on the borders of the country on the territory of neighboring states. Radiation monitoring in the zones of their influence was carried out even before a decision was made to develop nuclear energy in Belarus.

An automated system for monitoring the radiation situation (ASMRS) was created near Belarusian NPP. The system equipment consists of 10 automatic measuring points, which are equipped with gamma radiation dose rate sensors and spectrometric sensors. Four of them are additionally equipped with meteorological sensors. In addition, a network of observation points has been created near BelNPP. It is configured in such a way as to be suitable for use at all stages of the NPP's existence: during its normal operation, during shutdown in connection with the reconstruction, dismantling or conservation of reactors, as well as in case of a possible radiation accident. So, in addition to ASMRS, measurements of gamma radiation dose rate levels in the manual mode, sampling of atmospheric air, monitoring of radioactive contamination of surface waters, and radiation monitoring of soils are carried out in this territory.

In parallel with the observations on its network of points, Belhydromet conducts radiation monitoring near Belarusian NPP under contractual obligations to the general contractor - ASE IC. About 700 samples of environmental objects are annually taken, in which the background content of radionuclides is determined. Reporting documentation is prepared every six months. After completion of these works, the number of Belhydromet's own observation points in the observation zone of Belarusian NPP will be increased.

Answering to the question of the correspondent about how Belarusians can find out the actual data on the radiation situation, the minister said:

- Belhydromet is constantly improving ways to provide information. In addition to publishing yearbooks, newsletters and posting information in the media, modern technologies and Internet resources are widely used. For example, on the web-site you can see operational data on the radiation situation, and on the site you can see the results of radiation monitoring in Belarus by year. Information on the radiation situation is also available in the Weather in your Pocket mobile application.

BELTA news

Last modified on Thursday, 04 June 2020
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