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Monday, 01 March 2021

Read in the latest issue of the Energy Strategy journal

Written by Отдел информации и общественных связей

The news block provides key events in the domestic and world energy, current trends in the development of the fuel and energy complex in different countries, forecasts of foreign analysts (News).

Special attention should be paid to the opinion of an independent expert on the resolution of the European Parliament on BelNPP, as well as information on measures in the field of energy and energy efficiency, provided for by the Program of Activities of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2025 (Priorities).

The scientific and practical section of the journal opens with an article on the completion of the construction of the launch block of the first fully digital substation in Belarus "Mogilev-330". Specialists will be interested in the experience of introducing and operating electric boilers at Gomel CHP-2, as well as the practice of using modern software systems for calculating relay protection and automation settings  (Power Engineering).

In State Energy and Gas Supervision, employees of the supervisory body of the Ministry of Energy remind about the importance of preventing electrical injuries among children and adolescents, explain the causes and consequences of violations of the operation of household gas equipment.

The journal also provides comments on the STF GPO "Belenergo", which came into force in January, reviews of new state and international standards, regulatory legal acts adopted at the end of last - the beginning of this year. An article on Russian experience in the field of legal regulation of energy security is addressed to lawyers specializing in energy law (Energy Standardization, Law).

The traditional section, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian energy system, publishes material on the implementation in the country of projects for the construction and reconstruction of mini-thermal power plants operating on local fuels.

More information about the content of the journal can be found here

Last modified on Monday, 01 March 2021
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