The current update of the database takes into account the first net connection of the Hongyanhe-5 unit (China) with the ACPR-1000 reactor. The date of the first connection is June 25, 2021, and the commercial operation is July 31, 2021.
The database also includes data on the start of construction of the Tianwan-7 unit with a VVER-1200 reactor (project B-491). The date of the first concrete is May 19, 2021, the net electrical capacity of the unit is 1171 MW (e).
Now, according to the PRIS database, China has 52 operating and 14 under construction nuclear power units.
In total, according to PRIS, in 2021, five power units were launched in the world (two in China and one each in India, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates), construction of four power units began (three in China and one in Turkey) and five power units were finally shut down (two in Britain and one each in the United States, Taiwan and Pakistan).
The total number of reactor-years of operation of nuclear power units in the world is 19105.
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